Designer Wallpaper Trends | Modern Wallpaper Trends & Ideas
Whether you are using wallpaper to create a preferred environment for your special rooms, or simply utilising wallpaper to create a feature wall or more, sometimes understanding the modern wallpaper trends is worth considering before purchasing and committing to certain patterns & designs.
The retro wallpaper look continues to be popular, with the use of both Victorian and colourful styles from yesteryear including floral prints and bold colours. There are huge back catalogues available from the long-established companies such as Cole & Son wallpapers who have well over 100 years of designs to offer a real choice of wallpaper from the past.
A significant trend towards Eco friendly wallpaper materials could almost be seen as an inevitable shift as the world wakes up to the climate crisis and the more established wallcovering companies like Naken Interiors have a significant range. There has been an increase in the use of innovative materials which are sustainable and even made from materials such as cork and bamboo and more.
On the same theme, wallpaper using eco themes, such as images of rain forests and more has become a trend that has stayed for a number of years, as the media and public consciousness regarding climate change has increased. There are many options and stunning designs available online, with companies with larger wallpaper choices.
As always, designer wallpaper utilising and exploring fashion trends continue to be popular and there has also been a trend towards wallcoverings that work alongside lighting, which can react to lights in fantastic ways depending on the ambiance required. With all of these newer and more established trends, there has never been a better time to change things up and decorate your home. There are a full range of designer wallpapers which include all of the modern trending products and much more here.